Ämmäkoski is one of the three hydroelectric power plants in Kajaani. It is located on the Kajaani River that flows through the city center. Ämmäkoski is located right below Koivukoski I-II. The ruins of the medieval Kajaani Castle sit between the two power plants.
Historically Kajaani´s industry located along the Kajaani River and Petäisenniska area and the power plants originally were to produce power for Kajaani´s industry.[1]
Ämmäkoski, designed by Architect Onni Tarjanne, was constructed in 1917. The power house has an in-situ concrete frame and plastered brick cladding. Ämmäkoski was renovated in 1940, when Architect Eino Pitkänen designed an extention for the building. At the same time the plant was re-styled in line with the principles of functionalism. A third turbine was also added and today the power plant produces 4.9 MW of electricity.[2]
Ämmäkoski is located right in the city centre, an unusual feature for hydropower plants in the Oulujoki region. The city´s business district was built according to functionalist planning principles during the economic boom of 40s and 50s by Architect Eino Pitkänen.[3]
[1] Veli-Pekka Huhmo. Oulujoen vesistön voimalaitosarkkitehtuuri. Oulu: Humanpolis Oy, 2017, 84
[1] Ibid, 85
[2] Karoliina Kikuchi, 2020
Technical information
Owner: Kainuun Voima Oy (Kainuu Power Company)
Finished: 1917, the extention and renovation in 1940.
Designers: Onni Tarjanne, architect, the extention and renovation by Eino Pitkänen, architect
Capacity: 4.9 MW, head 6.5 m
Power house: In-situ concrete frame, plastered brick cladding
Special features: Located downtown Kajaani. The power house has been re-styled according to functionalist planning principles.
Protection status: Classified as RKY (Nationally significant built cultural environment – RKY 2009: Hydropower plants on the River Oulujoki and Sotkamo Route).[4]
[4] Veli-Pekka Huhmo. Oulujoen vesistön voimalaitosarkkitehtuuri. Oulu: Humanpolis Oy, 2017, 85
Residential area
Ämmänkoski has no residential area.

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