Leppikoski hydroelectric power plant is located on the Kiehimäjoki River in the municipality of Paltamo. It was designed by Reino Laaksonen.
Leppikoski started as an independent project by Kajaani Oy (Kajaani power company). In 1962, Oulujoki Power Company bought the power plant that was under construction. They also bought the property and a section of the river. Leppikoski was finished in 1963. Reino Laaksonen designed the brick-built power house. The two sets of machinery were connected to the power grid on 5 December 1962 and 8 February 1963. Leppikoski has a capacity of 23 MW.
Technical information
Owner: Fortum Power and Heat Oy
Finished: 1963
Designer: Reino Laaksonen, M.Sc. (Eng)
Capacity: 23 MW, head 11.1 – 13.3 m
Power house: Brick
Special features: Bought by Oulujoki Power Company from Kajaani Oy in 1962
Protection status: Classified as RKY (Nationally significant built cultural environment – RKY 2009: Hydropower plants on the River Oulujoki and Sotkamo Route).[1]
[1] Veli-Pekka Huhmo. Oulujoen vesistön voimalaitosarkkitehtuuria. Oulu: Humanpolis Oy, 2017, 83
Residential area
Leppikoski has a medium sized residential area with wooden detached houses.

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