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Pyhännänkoski is a hydroelectric power plant situated in municipality of Ristijärvi. It has a capacity of 3 MW and was finished in 1957.

Leppikoski Seitenoikea


After the second world war, questions of production and distribution of electricity became imperative in Kainuu (Council of Kainuu Region). Pyhännänkoski (Pyhännänkoski rapids) was recognized as a suitable location for hydropower plant in the early 50s. It is a branch of the Emäjoki, (the River Emäjoki) located east side of the main channel. The Power plant was built by Kainuun Kuntain Sähköosakeyhtiö (Electric company for municipalities of Kainuu). The power plant was finished in 1957.[1]

Western branch of the channel has been dammed with a long embankment and functions now as a headrace for the plant. Headwater has two regulating dams equipped with flood gates. Small power house designed by Matti Kallio-Koski M. Sc. (Eng) was built out of brick and finished 1957. Pyhännänkoski is part of the series of hydropower plants in the waterways of Oulujoki.

[1] http://www.kainuunnuotta.net/fi/koskenkyla/pyhannankosken-voimalaitos/


Technical information

Owner: Eko-Sähkö Oy

Finished: 1957

Designer: Matti Kallio-Koski M. Sc. (Eng)

Capacity: 3 MW, head 15 meters

Power house: Brick

Specialities: EKO-power plant

Status: [2]

[2] Veli-Pekka Huhmo. Oulujoen vesistön voimalaitosarkkitehtuuria. Oulu: Humanpolis Oy, 2017, 83


Residential area

Pyhännänkoski has one detached house in its residential area.


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