There are two hydroelectric power plants on The Sotkamo Route. The lower one, called Kallioinen, is located in Sotkamo. The power plant was designed by Eino Pitkänen and Jaakko Asikainen. Kallioinen was commissioned in 1957.
Kallioinen is located on the Ontojoki in the municipality of Sotkamo. It is the lower of the two hydroelectric power plants in the so-called “Route of Sotkamo” that flows from the eastern border of Finland. The design process was started by Eino Pitkänen. After he passed, Engineer Jaakko Asikainen continued his work staying true to Eino Pitkänen´s vision.[1]
Kallioinen was refurbished in 2001 and is now owned by UPM Energy. The power plant has one Finnish Kaplan turbine and it produces 13.5 MW of power. Notable features of Kallioinen include special equipment that can be used for hoisting logs over the power plant.[2]
[1] Veli-Pekka Huhmo. Oulujoen vesistön voimalaitosarkkitehtuuri. Oulu: Humanpolis Oy, 2017, 87
[2] Ibid, 87
Technical information
Owner: UPM Energy
Completed: 1957
Connected to the power grid: 1957
Maximum capacity: 13,5 MW, Head 9 meters
Designer: Eino Pitkänen, architect, Jaakko Asikainen, engineer
Power house: In-situ concrete frame, plastered brick
Special features: Equipment for hoisting logs over the power plant
Protection status: Classified as RKY (Nationally significant build cultural environment - RKY 2009: Hydropower plants on the River Oulujoki and Sotkamo Route -waterway)[3]
[3] Veli-Pekka Huhmo. Oulujoen vesistön voimalaitosarkkitehtuuri. Oulu: Humanpolis Oy, 2017, 87
Residential area
Kallioinen has a small housing area with wood constructed residential houses.

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