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Pälli is a hydroelectric power plant located in the municipality of Muhos. It was designed by Aarne Ervi and commissioned in the summer of 1953.

Pyhäkoski Utanen & Ala-Utos


Pälli was the third power plant built by Oulujoki Power Company. Construction started early in 1950. Preliminary works had carried out the year before. Sets of machinery were ordered from Finland, the turbines from Tampella and generators from Strömberg. Pyhäkoski could be used as a ”home base” which meant that large facilities for the builders didn´t need to be built in Pälli.[1]

Conditions for implementing large-scale building projects were getting better compared to the years right after the war. Construction and design procedures learned from the projects in Pyhäkoski and Jylhämä also helped.[2]

Most of the earthmoving and concrete works were finished during 1950. The biggest job was digging the tailrace that was over 300 meters long. Things moved quickly because more and more machines were available and the workforce was more experienced. The river could be released through the flood gates in the following winter, after which the last concrete works for the dam were completed. At the end of 1952, the reservoir was filled up to its maximum capacity.[3]

The first set of machinery was connected to the power grid on 20 July 1953 and the second one at the end of that year. The third set of machinery was connected to the grid in the summer of 1954. Special features of the power house include a butterfly roof and insulated precast panel for the facades. This kind of technology was new in Finland.

[1] Mauri Kuuskoski, Pekka Salminen, Jouko Vahtola, Paavo Vasala. Vesivoimaa Oulujoesta 50 vuotta: sähkölla eteenpäin. Oulu: Oulujoki Oy, 1991, 3 

[2] Matti Enbuske. Pohjois-Pohjanmaan ympäristöhistoria. Oulu: Pohjois-Pohjanmaan ELY-keskus ympäristö ja luonnonvarat -vastuualue, 2010, 317

[3] Ibid, 318



Technical information

Owner: Fortum Power and Heat

Built: 1949-1954

Designer: Aarne Ervi, architect

Capacity: 51 MW, head 14 m

Power house: In-situ concrete frame, facades made with precast panels

Special features: Butterfly roof and insulate precast panels

Protection status: Classified as RKY (Nationally significant built cultural environment – RKY 2009: Hydropower plants on the River Oulujoki and Sotkamo Route), district plan, Docomomo site[4]

[4] Veli-Pekka Huhmo. Oulujoen vesistön voimalaitosarkkitehtuuria. Oulu: Humanpolis Oy, 2017, 77


Residential area

Pälli has a medium sized residential area that has wooden attached homes.



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